The mind is a marvelous servant but a lousy master.

Either it serves us, or, by worshiping it, we end up serving it. When we become slavishly devoted to the dictates of our rational mind, we abdicate our higher, intuitive faculties, relinquish our self-mastery and lose our freedom to inquire, to challenge and to create. Under the direction of our higher consciousness, however, our rational […]

Living Fulfilled vs Freedom from Pain

Does being free from pain automatically mean that you are well, alive and thriving? We live in a society that is obsessed with getting rid of pain, but what meaningful benefit does that really deliver? Effective therapy needs to be a deep psychological healing process which supports us to heal our repressed pain from the […]

On Forgiveness

“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that crushed it.” – Mark Twain

Your personality and you

You are influenced by your personality, but you have a choice not to be controlled by it. What could you accomplish if you stretched beyond the limits of your natural tendencies?

EFT heals trauma – case study explains how

EFT heals trauma – case study explains how A young woman, Julia, came to see me in January 2013. She was suffering from debilitating on-going anxiety and panic attacks following an armed robbery in her home in the middle of the night… Read more

Further Reflections on Pain and Suffering

Here’s more on the role of consciousness in the experience of pain and suffering. Dr Elisha Goldstein, in this illuminating extract from an interview on Psychotherapy Networker, describes Jon Kabat-Zinn’s groundbreaking discovery of using Mindfulness to relieve chronic pain. Click her to listen (duration: 1:42)

A paradigm shift in psychology – from ‘talk’ to ‘experience’

“The more we learn about neuroscience, the more we realize that human beings aren’t driven by our ability to analyze and cogitate about our lives… The key word here is experience. In other words, as a growing body of research shows, deep change doesn’t come when clients just talk about their problems; it results from […]

Liberation is n…

Liberation is not about freedom of the self. It’s about freedom from the self. – Osho As perfect as we may become – as evolved, as developed, as enlightened – the ‘self’ is inherently limited. It’s limited to what it is. It’s this and not that or any other. It’s only a fragment of Reality. […]