Trauma release – why a mind-body approach is essential

According to psychotherapist and author Eugene Gendlin PhD, traumatic experiences are stored in the body. In fact, all your accumulated life experiences, including traumatic events whether large or small, are held in various parts of your physical body and re-accessed through what he calls the ‘felt sense’. Unconscious factors affecting the body keep the traumatized […]

EFT heals trauma – case study explains how

EFT heals trauma – case study explains how A young woman, Julia, came to see me in January 2013. She was suffering from debilitating on-going anxiety and panic attacks following an armed robbery in her home in the middle of the night… Read more

Further Reflections on Pain and Suffering

Here’s more on the role of consciousness in the experience of pain and suffering. Dr Elisha Goldstein, in this illuminating extract from an interview on Psychotherapy Networker, describes Jon Kabat-Zinn’s groundbreaking discovery of using Mindfulness to relieve chronic pain. Click her to listen (duration: 1:42)

A paradigm shift in psychology – from ‘talk’ to ‘experience’

“The more we learn about neuroscience, the more we realize that human beings aren’t driven by our ability to analyze and cogitate about our lives… The key word here is experience. In other words, as a growing body of research shows, deep change doesn’t come when clients just talk about their problems; it results from […]

Reflections on Pain and Suffering

[youtube=] Are pain and suffering the same thing? Do they go together? Here’s a helpful perspective…