On Forgiveness

“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that crushed it.” – Mark Twain

Chanukah – A Deeper Light

The deepest meaning of Chanukah is not that we transform the world by bringing light into the darkness. We transform ourselves by seeing the Light that is within the darkness. Suddenly the world is different.

About Mindfulness

This is the beautiful Chinese character for ‘Mindfulness’. The roof-like part at the top means ‘now’ or ‘this’ – in other words ‘presence’. The bottom portion means ‘heart’. This tells us that the seat of consciousness is not in the head, rather it’s in the heart! Isn’t it true that we mistake ‘thought’ for consciousness? […]

Further Reflections on Pain and Suffering

Here’s more on the role of consciousness in the experience of pain and suffering. Dr Elisha Goldstein, in this illuminating extract from an interview on Psychotherapy Networker, describes Jon Kabat-Zinn’s groundbreaking discovery of using Mindfulness to relieve chronic pain. Click her to listen (duration: 1:42)

Reflections on Pain and Suffering

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85vK95xCyvg&w=560&h=315] Are pain and suffering the same thing? Do they go together? Here’s a helpful perspective…