Nobody can fall…

Nobody can fall so low unless he has a great depth. If such a thing can happen to a man, it challenges his best and highest on the other side; that is to say, this depth corresponds to a potential height, and the blackest darkness to a hidden light. C.G. Jung

Being a warrior…

“Being a warrior isn’t about taking lives. Being a warrior isn’t about showing strength. Being a warrior is not showing how much knowledge you have. Being a warrior is learning how to cry. Learning how to cry. Because when a man learns how to cry, he’s learning understanding, he’s learning how to understand. Because when […]

If age gets in the way, then we’re in…

Yes! If age gets in the way, then we’re in trouble. This applies to our cross-generational relationships. After all we’re all human. Can we transcend the age barrier and still connect heart-to-heart. Age, of course, is a physical reality but it’s never an attribute of consciousness. Now, maturity is different to age. Maturity defies measurement. […]

Are you awake or hypnotized by your personality?

“The important thing is to set aside some time each day to re-establish a deeper connection with our True Nature. Regular practice serves to remind us over and over again that we are hypnotized by our personality. (The Wisdom of the Enneagram) Reading these words this morning reminded me how easily I identify myself with […]

Why do your “buttons” get pushed?

Did you ever stop to wonder why those “buttons” get pushed? You know what I mean – that negative feeling you get… irritated, annoyed, angry, hurt, upset, overwhelmed, impatient, disgusted… If you’re awake and honest with yourself, you may even recognize that such an experience recurs somehow as a pattern in your life. OK, so […]

What makes you come alive… ?

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. – H. Thurman

The sin of missing the mark

Some wisdom from my teacher, Ann McMaster, senior trainer in the More To Life programme: In olden times, when an archer missed the bull’s eye on his target, it was called a “sin.” Then he faced a choice: either to throw away his equipment and give up archery, or to assess the direction of his […]