Purpose is not about achieving goals

Note to Self “What is my purpose in life?” I asked the Void. “What if I told you that you fulfilled it when you took an extra hour to talk to that kid about his life?” said the Voice. “Or when you paid for that young couple in the restaurant? Or when you saved that […]

A cool shift in the leadership paradigm

“Shout out to all the forward-thinking visionaries stuck in organizations, communities, and around general leadership who are locked in the past, and blind to the future. Don’t waste your time getting angry or frustrated at them. Don’t deplete your energy trying to convince those who don’t even have the capacity to understand. You don’t need […]

10 Quotes by Carl Jung

Loneliness does not come from having no people around you, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to you. To be normal is the ultimate aim of the unsuccessful. The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the second half is going inward and letting go of […]

Every human being in the image of G-d

“Our Sages of the Talmud explain why the creation of Man differed from the creation of all other living species and why, among other things, man was created as a single individual, unlike other living creatures created in pairs. One of the reasons – our Sages declare – is that it was G-d’s design that […]

Our emotional wounds may be our greatest gifts

Emotional wounds from early life lie right at the core of our self-limiting beliefs and behaviour patterns. But through expanded awareness they become the key to our personal growth and the fulfillment of our soul’s purpose.

Relationships: where our greatest growth happens

It’s surely increasingly obvious to observers of humanity (among whom I count myself) just how many of us live our lives with little self-awareness. We tend specifically to be oblivious of our self-limiting mental and emotional patterns. This clearly negatively affects one or more areas of our life – relationships, health, spirituality, finances. A key […]

The mind is a marvelous servant but a lousy master.

Either it serves us, or, by worshiping it, we end up serving it. When we become slavishly devoted to the dictates of our rational mind, we abdicate our higher, intuitive faculties, relinquish our self-mastery and lose our freedom to inquire, to challenge and to create. Under the direction of our higher consciousness, however, our rational […]